I often get asked why I started to meditate myself. There’s two parts to the answer really:

1.      A practical need. I found myself having become restricted by anxiety due to various challenges in life and an overactive mind. I was really searching for a way to overcome these barriers and challenges and free my mind so that I could optimise myself, my capabilities, and my enjoyment of life.

2.      A spiritual intuition. I guess I’ve always been naturally drawn to “spirituality”, I’d always find myself thinking (and probably overthinking) very deeply about life (and death), and wondered what it all means, why we are all here, why I am here and what’s the purpose of it all.  I used to analyse and think on this a lot and felt an intuitive pull towards exploring these kinds of practices, looking for messages and purpose.

I learned how to meditate through reading books, watching videos and self-practice, before spending time at a monastery in Thailand, and then a few years later completing teacher training in Rishikesh India. I feel the teacher training really improved my own practice too.

I now really like to blend the practical with the spiritual and search for ways to connect mediation to both aspects, and to teach in a way that resonates with people’s individual interests and goals. Where possible I like to bring a little bit of science into it all too.  I’ve always been encouraged to bring my own style to teaching mediation and so I’m conscious of trying to do that.

I’ve personally found so much benefit and value from meditation, it’s allowed me to connect with my true self, and build confidence to express myself truly, freeing myself from the restrictions and worries of the mind (which I feel is a journey I am still on for sure). I want other people to be able to experience that for themselves, and to truly be able to explore, connect and express their true being, optimising their state of being and enjoyment of life!


There’s no fact in life everything is fiction

Can you see even in those words there’s outright contradiction 

Move in circles that make you grow 

We leave a trail in life, create a path that puts you in flow 

Put this to a beat you’d call me a rapper

But these thoughts in my mind I’m just trying to decipher 

Are we here for more than to eat sleep and make dimes? 

Answers to this I’m hoping to find in sacred scripts, dots, and lines

Mr Smith says life’s a perpetually perplexing situation

Stuck in duality, hard not to get caught in frustration

He says the key is to rise above, to elevate

I’m searching for ways to help us all levitate. 

